Continued search after truth is usually an expensive adventure. Seeking or revising the facts or theories require a lot of time to do the experiments in order to give detailed feedback. Science must therefore, be aided by research.
Lifestyles and thoughts of ourselves, as humans, have been changed by each innovation. Deep secrets of nature have been revealed and answers have pushed back ignorance as a result of science.
Greater discoveries are still providing knowledge that is important and needed to improve our lives.
The last century, 21st Century, was dominated by insights that were considered spectacular through the scientists who applied their ideas by means of technological models and experiments.
Human evolution has been revolutionized by technology dating back to the first records of species. It provided practical dividends without requirement for scientific explanation whether metalwork, pottery, painting, or bow and arrow.
Today, technological innovation is driven and aided by science dominating telecommunication and biotechnology as well as nuclear power.
Spectacular new and high-tech modern industries have been created through scientific ideas as well as techniques making research regarded by the governments as very important in driving the economy.
Actually, good research does lead to ideas that when applied, affects our lifestyles and thoughts and thus modern science should play a vital role in detecting and relaying information that gives warning of changes as well as unpredictable hazards.
Scientists should be able to understand the scientific enterprise’s nature: what it reveals and most important-where its limits lie and therefore, accept that their work will not always solve all either humankind’s or nature’s problems.
Writing has been a very intimate thing to me: sharing part of my life, my thoughts with my readers. I am genuinely a positive person; I keep myself active and I want to learn from more experienced people than myself, so I can build the necessary skills and qualities and traits that are attractive to my readers, people and maybe future hiring managers.
I now welcome critics and criticisms and let’s keep the conversation going!
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