Photo: File ASSIGNMENT: The regard to the recent Presidential declaration on lifting the 2018 ban on forest logging. The President of Kenya said we can no longer keep old mature trees rotting in the forest while locals suffer due to lack of timber. His move is meant to increase timber production and create jobs for the youths. Only when money is exchanged for products and services, is the transaction recognized as having economic worth in the value system inherent in the sort of economics our society has chosen. The tree only acquires value when it enters our economy by generating revenue. As an Environmentalist, I am not in support of this statement. My perspective: That one tree was a tiny element of a community of species that had evolved over thousands of years. That community is made up of trees, a minuscule percentage of the forest’s life forms. Tens of thousands of kinds of microorganisms-viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoa-as well as bigger nematodes, worms, insects, and m...